Wednesday, October 13, 2010

An Amazon Store For Home Power Saver

As I frequently mention, I'm always on the lookout for products and devices which may help home owners save power, water, or gas. I frequently refer to the products I find within my posts, and if the products are for sale at a reasonable price at, I link to them.

I am also signed up as an Amazon Associate, which means that if a reader of my blog follows my link and ultimately orders the product, I get a small commission.

However, I try not to link to Amazon just for that - I frequently refer readers to other stores which may have better prices or better products, as I did in the attic insulation series and in the outlet insulators article.

None-the-less, most readers are familiar with Amazon and there is a high level of trust with Amazon. For that reason, I have created an "Amazon Store" where you can easily browse all of the products that I've mentioned on the site, plus a few others.

I've added notes to each product to help provide some context as to when and how the product should be used.

As always, I welcome comments and email feedback. If you have products you suggest I add, have had difficulty with a product I have listed, or just want to speak your mind, please leave a comment below.

Visit the Home Power Saver Amazon Store.

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