Thursday, November 4, 2010

Seven Holiday Gifts for the Energy Conscious

I know they are out there - DIY'ers and home improvement enthusiasts looking for projects - and what better projects than those that actually save money and improve quality of life!

If you are looking for Christmas gifts for one of those people, here are seven excellent ideas.  And be sure to check out the Home Power Saver Amazon Store for items sold by Amazon, categorized and commented on by me.

  1. Kill A Watt EZ Electricity Usage Monitor.  The Kill-a-watt allows users to quickly identify how much power a device is using.  This is useful for tracking and killing vampire power, or simply making decisions as to whether a new TV, computer monitor, or other device is going to be cost-effective from an energy standpoint.
  2. Black & Decker TLD100 Thermal Leak Detector.  The TLD100 can measure surface temperature of virtually any object, and detects if there is a variance of temperature within a set distance, indicating the existence of a 'thermal leak', air infiltration.
  3. Smart Strip SCG5 Energy Saving Power Strip with Autoswitching Technology and Coaxial Surge Protection.  Smart strips help automate power saving in ways traditional power strips can't, and come in a number of different shapes and sizes.
  4. Three Way Motion Sensor, White. OK, this may not be the fanciest gift available, but I think any do-it-yourself'er would appreciate having the lights automatically turn on and off in the garage or walk-in closet.
  5. TED 5000-C - a power usage monitoring system for those looking for a higher-end gift. 
  6. Brass Ratchet Style Door Strike Plate. Doesn't everyone want a strike plate for Christmas? Alright, this may be a stocking stuffer, but it is one of the easiest to install and simplest products to seal a door. Buy two or three for all of your exterior doors.
  7. Fuel Economy Monitor for your car or trunk. It is amazing how much better your driving habits become when you have a mileage indicator. And for the top of the line, check out the ScanGauge.
  8. Many more at the Home Power Saver Amazon Store. Check out dozens of products sold by Amazon, but cataloged by Home Power Saver.  You are certain to get many more ideas!

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